David Yang
Tips and posts for iOS developers from an iOS developer.
Movie Bang! - iOS (2018-)
Movie Bang! is a native iOS app that gives the opportunity to its users to add upcoming movies to their watchlist and get local notifications before their release.
It is perfect for any cinephile and moviegoer.
More informations are available on the official website.
The app is free and available on the App Store.
AttestationCovid - iOS (2020)
During the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in France, the French Government required every citizens to fill an attestation, a form, for any outside trips.
An official online form is available here and the sources were made available on Github.
For convenience reasons, I built an iOS app based on the sources of the original online form generating the exact same document and the following features:
- pre-filled form values (stored locally)
- pre-filled date and time
- PDF generated document stored locally
- keep history of your attestation in case you need to present it
- offline usage
Due to the fact that the purpose of the app is related to COVID-19 and the pandemic, the app can not get validated through for the App Store or Testflight because of strict regulations from Apple.
The sources are made available on this Github repo and can be built by anyone on his own.
Feel free to contribute.
Planning Deck - iOS (2019)
Planning Deck is a simple and one-screen app fully made in SwiftUI.
It’s the perfect companion for your Agile or SCRUM projects when you’ll have to estimate your tasks. You will not find a lighter app for this on the App Store (less than 1 Mo).
Planning Deck also supports Dark Mode and you can change your card theme color easily.
The app is free and available on the App Store.